The color scheme is intentionally kept simple. Generally, there are 10 neutral shades that are used for the majority of elements, and 5 colors used for highlights. Minor variations have been added for specific purposes like interactive states and unique components.
The scheme has two variations, for dark and light modes.
Primary & accents
Orange is the primary color used to indicate interactive elements. Orange light 1 & 2 are used for interaction states (hover, press). The other colors are used more freely.
Orange light 1
Orange light 2
Neutral 9
Neutral 8
Neutral 7
Neutral 6
Neutral 5
Neutral 4
Neutral 3
Neutral 2
Neutral 1
Neutral 0
These are used in the block status and may potentially be used in future UI additions to represent the number of confirmations a block or transaction has.
Confirmations 1
Confirmations 2
Confirmations 3
Confirmations 4
Confirmations 5
Confirmations 6
Green to red gradient
In the peer details, a gradient from green to red is used to convey how relatively “good” or “bad” a value is in context. The colors are linearly distributed and can also be automatically calculated via the green and red values above.
Green-red 1
Green-red 2
Green-red 3
Green-red 4
Green-red 5
Green-red 6
Green-red 7
Green-red 8